On the 18th of September 2022 I travelled to San Vicente de la Sonsierra, a small village with a population of 1015 habitants that houses the last standing act of self-flagelation in Spanish penitence, ‘Los Picaos’. I went there to photograph and document this procession, it dates back to the XVI century, where hooded men dressed in white tunics and brown capes perform a Via Crucis, which once completed the cape is removed and penitents proceed to repeatedly whip themselves in the lower by swinging a white cotton thread whip between they knees and alternating over they’re shoulders repeatedly.
On the 18th of September 2022 I travelled to San Vicente de la Sonsierra, a small village with a population of 1015 habitants that houses the last standing act of self-flagelation in Spanish penitence, ‘Los Picaos’. I went there to photograph and document this procession, it dates back to the XVI century, where hooded men dressed in white tunics and brown capes perform a Via Crucis, which once completed the cape is removed and penitents proceed to repeatedly whip themselves in the lower by swinging a white cotton thread whip between they knees and alternating over they’re shoulders repeatedly.